So, I’m a little rubbish with my progress photos. I have a hard time getting good photos on my tablet, when I’m on my own as the timer is only for 10 seconds, leading up to the point 2here an automatic photo can be taken. The gym I work at recently closed down, so I don’t have as much space …
backending day
I’m really enjoying the routine. I am doing yoga daily, around 1 hour 20 minutes, with either upper lower body. Even though every improvement is very small, they add up for me over time, so I really feel looser and better at moving these days. Here are some photos from today, which are in no particular order. For me, today …
I have knocked my sessions down to an hour over the past week, so that I could spend more time on my yoga practice. Feet to head is beyond me at the moment, so I have scalesd my focus to just side splits and back bending. I am happy with my progress, so I am more motivated than ever to …
Back bridging – no help with photo unfortunately
Ok, not too bad. Managed an hour of ashtanga this morning, funny how stiffness can set in after stretching the next day. Any tips? Decided to back bend tonight, but so difficult to know and get in the right position, and take a photo. I asked my colleague to take a photo, but was busy at the time. I made …
side splits progress 04/02/17
This week has been great…Thursday yoga was an experience, where I learned just how far I have come since my past year stretching and the past 3 weeks on the flexibility challenge. I am doing my best to hit 2 hours per session, but sometimes it is 1. My splits are getting better, trying my hardest to get the back …
back bending afternoon
Back bending this afternoon, and really found it difficult getting a photo on my own, so my friend got a fairly good perspective for me. Wrapped my wrists up and shoulders felt great, they seem to be getting better and definitely more mobile.
Front Splits a.m – not best timed photo
So, yesterday I did Ashtanga yoga at work and it felt great. Hatha yoga Tuesday, and an unscheduled day off stretching on Wednesday, my shoulders have been so painful with the change in temperature here in England. After a little bit of shoulder mobility, chest stretching and recuperation I’m finding my shoulders have a fighting chance of a full recovery …
back bending day
Today 22/01/2017…back bending day was serious fun today. I purchased a yoga wheel and used that, with not bad results to be honest. My bridge looks noticeably better today, so please give me some criticism as it will only make me better. I did shoulder and wrist mobility following my warm up. I also used my squat knee wraps today, …
side splits – middle splits today
yoga last night, with two 2 hour sessions on lower body previous to that I think. I tried to do a yoga headstand the other day, but hip flexors and hamstrings don’t allow me to get my ankles above my hips, so it’s something to work on. Today I took a couple of photos, but it’s a little difficult when …
Day 1: Over Splits
First day after not stretching for a year.. Really excited to start working hard for 100 days. I know my back leg isn’t straight but it was hard enough to lift my hands up. 🙂