Day 5 – Progress so far!

Hello there!

This is from Day… 5?  It was a leg day. Splits are getting a bit better already, but still a long way to go!

I just took my first rest day (day 7) after going to a sweat lodge for the first time and deciding to take it easy. My goal is to do about an hour each day, either focusing on upper body or lower body, and trying to do every day but giving myself one rest day to use a week if I’m not feeling great. Allergies have been driving me up a wall as it is. But I came pretty far so far, and I have another stretch class tomorrow.

 This photo is a bit dark. As you can see from the mirror, my legs are not wanting to come down yet. But I’m starting to feel a difference. Just need to keep at it! day5

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Amanda Nicole Smith
9 years ago

Ooh a sweat lodge sounds amazing right about now!

You’ll get there one centimeter at a time 🙂

Once I figured out how to relax and engage the proper muscles, I unlocked a couple of inches; especially when I breathed super deep and slow. I really believe the more you breath, the bendier you’ll be. 😉