Static stretches are performed only after completing the warmup and dynamic stretches. I also advise to apply a technique to your static stretches, see below for more details. Complete a full specific routine. Or you can pick 5-10 static stretches from the upper and lower body static stretch collection.

Lower Body Static Stretches

Upper Body Static Stretches

Static Stretch Collections From Around the Web

A Simple Technique to Apply to Static Stretches

Alongside static stretches are techniques to help increase the effectiveness of a stretch. You may have heard of isometrics, PNF, passive, and/or resistance training, these are all helpful techniques to learn and apply.

To keep it simple here is what I do in a static stretch. Breath integrated with muscle contraction and relaxation.

  1. Once proper form is achieved begin; Inhale and contract all of your muscles.
  2. Exhale, relax muscles, and gently sink into the stretch.
  3. Inhale, slightly come back out of the stretch, straighten or elongate necessary muscles and contract.
  4. Exhale, relax muscles and gently sink into the stretch.
  5. Repeat until you reach 10.

The main focus is to breath deep; the next major focus is form. No matter how flexible or inflexible you are it is important to work on form, which normally consists of elongating every limb, squaring hips, or slightly turning, twisting arms, and legs; all depending on the stretch. When you achieve good form, squeezing or contracting all the muscles will build muscle memory, so when you are up in the air without gravity's assistance you will remember what good form feels like and which muscles need to be activated. If you study the shapes you're imitating and then watch the shapes you are making, you will start to see the adjustments you need to make, this is also the invaluable part of having a coach or instructor.

Applying A Technique | In-depth

Source: Version: 1.18, Last Modified 94/10/12 Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 by Bradford D. Appleton Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this document provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

Professional Instruction

Nothing beats professional instruction, if you are lucky enough to have access to a flexibility or contortion coach it is always best to add one to your routine. They will also have you doing flexibility routines at home, which can coincide with your flexibility schedule. When you go to your class you can print out a flexibility goal worksheet to show your coach, so they have a better idea of what your goals are.



If you have never done any of these stretches before, it is advised that you go to a professional studio where an instructor or coach can spot you and make sure you are doing the stretches properly. They can also help you take photos of your progress.

If there are no studios or instructors in your area, a private online lesson is the next best thing.


If you have done these poses before but want to increase your flexibility I still recommend clicking through to the tutorials. It is always good to refresh your memory with tips and tricks from different perspectives.


You'll want to set yourself realistic goals, the more obtainable goals you achieve, the better you'll feel about moving forward.

I like to celebrate even the centimeters of success, because it encourages me to obtain more centimeters, and they add up trust me. 🙂

If you are here.

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Don't expect to be here in 100 days.

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There is no guaranteed timeframe in which you'll achieve your flexibility goals. Performance depends on how many days and hours you commit to stretching. It also depends on how much effort you put into the routine and how comfortable you were during the routine.

When you are uncomfortable it is hard to focus on breathing, form and muscle control, and performance suffers. But don't worry the next time, when you are comfortable and you put in maximum effort, you'll be more flexi than ever!

Flexibility is also a a journey of bonding with your body. It is essential to be mindful of your muscles and breathing. Try to be as silent in the mind as possible while you are performing your moves. To silent the mind just focus on breath and muscle contraction and relaxation.

You could also try to visualize yourself doing the move.

When you consistently perform your routine with proper form and techniques, continue doing it and each time you be one step closer to reaching your goals.

There is no shortcut, or fast way to gain more flexibility, it takes time and hard work. The stronger you become in your new range of motion, the less painful stretching will be.

Happy Stretching!!

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