After stretching 4 times per week, 2 hours per session; a total of over 100 hours, I can say I have made progress! It took a lot of work but it is so worth it! I made a video of all my before and after photos. Tracking my progress has been super beneficial in keeping me motivated. I’m looking forward to …
Steady Progress Days 64-70
I am excited to see the community growing, and so many people taking on the challenge! I just want to remind you all that if you have any questions at all feel free to private message me or post in the community support forum. I also love feedback and if there is anything you would like to see in the …
Celebrating Day 50!!!
Half way through the challenge, and I am noticing and correcting a lot more these days. I am balancing strength and flexibility constantly, and every muscle has an individual task wether it’s tightening, relaxing, or balancing. The more moves I try and record myself doing, the more I realize there are a million ways to do each move just by engaging …
Day 4
Day 4 was incredible, I worked on bridges, over splits, tulip, chest stands, and prepped for the rainbow marchenko on the silks! I went to contortion class at 11:30 am with Shelly Guy after drinking 4 quarts of water and nerve soothing tea. I also ate a banana, grapefruit, and the incredible Warrior greens and Earth by health force mixed with water. The highlight of the day …
Day One
I have gained some flexibility by working with a contortionist, but I’m ready to go into deeper stretches and take those stretches to the next level.