Postpartum Flexibility

I feel like I’m starting somewhat from the beginning again but thankfully I still have muscle memory. With muscle memory, I still remember how to engage and relax certain muscles to perform the stretch, so this makes it a little bit easier. Yet I’m still very tight, and have little spare time these days to stretch.

For 9 months I was unable to stretch my back because it didn’t feel right, almost like my placenta was going to detach. BTW my placenta was attached in the front, which is probably why it felt like this.  I still did some leg stretches, but for the most part I took it easy in the stretching department.

I am so ready to get back into a solid routine. I wasn’t born flexible, so I have to work very hard to gain flexibility and I have to maintain it with light stretching almost every day. Poses that once came easy are now super hard, mainly because I’ve lost strength. Hopefully it won’t take long to get back. I’m thinking I’ll start the 100 day challenge again in April and for now I’ll just be stretching on Monday’s when I go to teach my classes. It’s the bare minimum, but I know that in the winter time I like to hibernate and not do much, especially with my new precious bundle of joy!

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