Some Backbend Progress

This picture was taken after a warm-up and a combination of static and dynamic stretching

Flexibility Calendar

Although I signed up at the end of November, I made a flexibility calendar for December to tape on my wall to help keep me on track. So Dec 1st is my 1st day of my 100 day flexibility challenge. Today is day 4 🙂


Didnt stretch much at home last week. Maybe twice in total. Majority of stretching was done in class so not many pics were taken. Apologies for the weird stickers etc but im looking rather crappy in these pics and also have some butt showing so had to get creative lol. I thought i also took a pic of my middles …

Disappointed ?

So having just finished stretching at home, I realise once again that I am nowhere as far as I usually am in class. Not gonna lie, I feel like saying “well just stretch in class only” but that’s a cop out as I want to stretch as part of my morning routine. Im hoping this will maake me a morning …

So far, so good

Sooo I have stretched Monday to Thursday this week. Whether it’s in a class or at home it’s been done. I stretched 3 times at home which im proud of. One session was only 20 mins for my middles but I reached the same place I usually do after stretching for an hour! Strange!! Anyhow, I used to do middles …

Slow start

Soooo these pics are from Thursday 8 Oct. Didnt stretch at home until today!! I’ve realised that I perform better in class. Today I just about touched the floor on my right side which is my good side. Maybe coz I tired myself out with my butt workout!! Plus I take sooooo long to stretch at home taking endless breaks. …

Day 5 – Progress so far!

Hello there! This is from Day… 5?  It was a leg day. Splits are getting a bit better already, but still a long way to go! I just took my first rest day (day 7) after going to a sweat lodge for the first time and deciding to take it easy. My goal is to do about an hour each …